We had a 96 Roadtrek 190P we bought new and we enjoyed it for six years, sold it and bought a small C, kept it for a few years and then bought a new 2007 Roadtrek 210P. Seven years later, we sold the RT and bought another small C because we had gotten to the point where we camped (boondocked) more and toured less. We tough a Jeep behind the 24 foot C. Add up the lengths of the Jeep, the towing gear and the C and we are about 43 feet long. We have to plan every stop for gas, cannot just "whip in" to a place to grab a bite to eat and so on. When we get where we are going it is great and we spend 2 weeks or so in one boondocking spot using the Jeep to run around.
Well, great. The lady that bought our 210P put it up for sale after a few years and guess what? We bought it back from her! She kept it in immaculate condition for a few years and only added a small amount of mileage. It is now back in its home garage on our property, looks like new and runs like new. I can service and take care of all the rv "stuff" on the unit myself and after all these years know those systems pretty well.
Our RT has twin beds as opposed to the couch that makes into a bed. That gives us a large storage space accessible from the back. This 210 has an armoire in place of the third seat and the combined interior storage is more than our last C. So is the external storage. I think I am correct that the 210 has more cubic feet of storage than any other B.
To make a long story even longer, it has now been 23 years since we bought our first Roadtrek. Driving is more of a chore for us than it was 23 years ago. We can drive for longer distances in a day if we desire, buy gas anywhere and every little town has a "Chevy place" that can work on that chassis.
Cramped? Yep, compared to a C any B is a little cramped.
Hey, so is a Cessna Citation or a Learjet. So what?