cross21114 wrote:
Desert Captain wrote:
"I did not use tow/haul mode except in some severe situations."
That's too bad as the non use of Tow Haul is hard on the trans {it runs hotter}, and hard on the brakes as they are needed far more than with the proper TH use. Every Class C renter {at least a dozen}, I have spoken with was never told about using Tow Haul. Just another reason I will never buy a former rental unit.
As always.... Opinions and YMMV
Please explain how running in tow haul increases the trans temp. It would seem to me that the opposite is true. Certainly the engine runs at higher rpms and burns more gas. If you drive easy, you don't need to ride the brakes. I experience much better performance running my Expedition without tow/haul.
It doesn't... Please re read my post...
I stated {correctly}, that the "NON" use of tow haul increases trans temps. Any rig that is operating anywhere near its GVWR {like most of the larger Class C's out there}, or towing anything should have the TH engaged at ALL times. When using TH on long down grades the the braking afforded by the engine/transmission nearly eliminates the need for the brake pedal and you are not burning a drop of gas.
If you had a Scan Gauge or other display that showed the trans fluid temps you would realize that you have been cooking your trans, especially on long slight grades by not using TH. Even a 2 per cent grade will drive your trans temps up 12 - 20 degrees. Engage TH and watch it drop like a stone as the Torque Converter is locked up eliminating friction/slippage that generates heat.
Tow Haul is one of the most useful, least understood and consequently properly used functions found on any motorhome/truck. It's all right there in the owners manual. Better performance comes from running the rig the way the engineers designed it for optimum efficiency.