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synergy_58's avatar
Aug 08, 2014

Electric step won't deploy on my 2009 Navion! HELP!!!

My 2009 Navion's electric two step Kwikstep won't deploy. :E
I'm up here in Alaska getting ready to drive out to FL at the end of August (if all the stars line up and we don't have global war) and now my steps won't work. I have mobility issues and a 78 lb service dog, a yellow lab named Violet, and we can't access the Navie easily enough for life to be kind. :(

I crawled underneath and prayed, but that didn't help. I hit the darn thing a few times but only bruised my hand ; should have known better, but. I checked power, fuses and they are good to go. I pulled and pushed, grunted and farted but still nothing!! :?

So I called a few RV places, I should have known better, ...they want $1,000 to $2,000 to replace step unit!!!!!! Most will not repair them. Parts will take 2 weeks to get and they will have to schedule the repairs after the parts arrive, which could be several days later depending on work load. Every dealer I called had the same story. HM? Strange? Are they ALL in Kahoots? YES they are, its ALASKA!!!!! :M


Yes, I did search around the internet, it is confusing to read some of the info out there. There must be a link here that this has been done already but I can;t seem to find it.

I need the straight scoop PLEASE! Just tell me what to get and what to do..FAST! :R

PLEASE! Its raining up here and the fishing is running out! :E
2009 Navion 24J
  • For those who said to unhook the motor and use it that way you should be aware that the motor linkage also holds the step in the open position. Without the motor hooked up they are not stable enough to step on. Don't hit the motor with your hand. Use a small hammer. You are trying to get something loose inside to get to the proper position. (like motor brushes)
  • First, make sure you have the power switch to the step turned on. When staying in the same CG spot for several days, I sometimes turn off the power switch to keep it from closing and opening every time the door is opened or closed. Its noisy. That's a real easy fix.
  • I've had similar problems in the past. One thing that's worked is to get underneath, and VERY IMPORTANT...position yourself that when the steps go out your head or arms aren't in the way!!....then unplug any connection that you can find and check for good contact and plug back in. This is especially true with the square looking plug which has 4 wires in it. I've tried a quick squirt with WD-40, and also used a small amount of dielectric grease. Sometimes I've had to do the unplug/plug dance several times, and then it worked. If I'm on a trip and this happens, when I get them working I leave the 4-wire plug unplugged with the steps in the open position until I get home, and then play around with it in the driveway.
  • First, I have a volt meter and know how to use it to ck for voltage mainly. I have checked all the wires and plugs, and have disconnected and reconnected several times, but not the one to the motor because I can't reach it with the steps in the way. I have not yet found the cotter in and control arm, it seems to be hidden by the steps, which I can't move.

  • I have been having similar issue and find that hitting motor with hammer and spraying with good lube seems to work most of time. The stairs seem to always work fine in my driveway but after driving a few hours, they will not extend yet the step light comes on. I can hear the override with the ignition switch working too. I have found nothing loose. I have pulled out cotter pin and tried to pull out to no avail. Sometimes hitting it works and other times, I leave it alone and it then magically works. I really think it is a heat issue since exhaust pipe runs right behind the steps. I recently insulated all wires and tied them to the underfloor so we shall see how works on next trip. Most frustrating problem since comes and goes for kiwi 2 step model.