nadia wrote:
Neither of the windows in our bedroom have any handles or straps, which unfortunately we did not notice before we purchased it. Is it legal for a licensed dealer to sell an RV without the emergency exit windows?
1. WHY did you think of this AFTER the purchase
2. WHY did you not think of this BEFORE the purchase?
3. What made you think of this?
4. The unit is 11 years old. Unless you can find such a law, why would a USED RV or even a Automobile be required to meet ANY type standards 11 years and multiple owners that have owned the RV. Being a licensed dealer has no bearing on this type problem. He is selling used RV's.
5. Since it IS a Tiffin, I would contac Tiffin and see if they would give you an escape window and you would be responsible for the labor to install it.
6. Last, since YOU now own the unit, and you decide to sell or trade it in, are YOU not now responsible for making sure there IS an escape window????????? At your expense? If there was a fire or such and since you now know there should be a escape window, would YOU not be responsible/liable for any harm that happened to someone? Why do you not go after the previous owner that may have removed the escape window. THAT owner would have as much responsibility as YOU now have. Doug