Forum Discussion

USA_Traveler's avatar
Oct 14, 2014

Fuel Cost in Arizona?

I am not sure what this means, IS a person with a Class A Motorhome required to purchase Diesel at a special pump? We are planning on spending the winter in AZ and would like clarification prior to getting there. Thank you,

Diesel Fueling in Arizona
Messag e from Jim Koca, Advocacy Director

Arizona fuel-tax rates are different from what we may be used to while traveling throughout the United States. This fuel law has been on the books for several years. The law states:

The Arizona tax on gasoline (motor vehicle fuel) is 18 cents per gallon. Use fuel (diesel) is taxed at two rates in Arizona.

-If the use fuel is used in the propulsion of a use class motor vehicle on a highway in this state, the tax rate is 26 cents for each gallon.

-A "use class motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that uses use fuel on a highway in this state and that is a road tractor, truck tractor, truck or passenger carrying vehicle having a declared gross vehicle weight of more than 26,000 pounds or having more than two axles.

I talked to the Revenue & Fuel Tax Administratio n Fuel Tax Manager in Phoenix, Az, and asked for the definition of the "passenger carrying vehicle" and he stated that would include a motor home. What this means is those who have a vehicle that has three or more axles or a declared gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001+ lbs are required to use the truck lanes and pay the higher fuel tax. The regular diesel tax is 18 cents. Filling the RV at the regular pumps will subject you to a citation with a steep fine. Arizona has a Fuel Tax Evasion Unit that monitors the filling of vehicles at fuel stations.

Escapees feel that this information should be sent out to all of the members that travel through Arizona.

I would like to thank all of the members who have sent in this information to Headquarters so that we could investigate this issue.
  • My understanding of the guy who got this all started in the Toterhome, is that he may have been using to haul around race cars. If you're a pro-racer than I don't think you can claim a toterhome is not a commercial type vehicle. Also apparently in Arizona those toterhomes are required to be registered as "Trucks." That may also make the difference.
  • Thank you so much for this answer. This makes sense and is completely understandable. I have been full timing since 2005, but always had a 5th wheel and just recently went to the motorhome, so this is all new to me. Again, thank you. Sara
  • It does look like this latter information is correct. Somehow things are confused on the Escapee site. Today, they have published a retraction of the article citing a Policy 13.2.3 that was supposedly issued October 10, 2014. But, an RV Arizona blogspot post says that policy document is a 2004 agency memo. Which leaves the question as to why the Escapee Rver was cited a few months ago.

    This whole issue was created by Arizona officials citing an RVer for filling at the "wrong" pump. Obviously, the real concern here should be directed at that level. And the Arizona representative who gave the wrong information to a valid question.

    On edit: and now it looks like the "victim" really was a commercial enterprise involved in racing. Yep, they are not exempt. I do know that if you have any markings on your RV indicating commercial intent you are a commercial vehicle. This has been an interesting adventure.
  • Bob&AnnaMarie wrote:
    It does look like this latter information is correct. Somehow things are confused on the Escapee site. Today, they have published a retraction of the article citing a Policy 13.2.3 that was supposedly issued October 10, 2014. But, an RV Arizona blogspot post says that policy document is a 2004 agency memo. Which leaves the question as to why the Escapee Rver was cited a few months ago.

    This whole issue was created by Arizona officials citing an RVer for filling at the "wrong" pump. Obviously, the real concern here should be directed at that level.

    Apparently the person who was cited was driving what is called a Toterhome. That is a regular full size semi-truck that has been converted to a motorhome. Although if it is a completely private motorhome used only for private purposes, I would argue it's just like any other big motorhome and should not have been cited. But there was talk he may have been hauling race cars with it which could enter you into a grey area as to whether it's private or commercial. Also, even if the person who wrote the citation was wrong, I can understand their confusion as a toterhome looks just like any other semi-truck on the road with the exception of the living quarters.
  • Bob.....Thanks for the link to the memo. I printed it and will keep it in my motor home since I often buy diesel in Az.