Forum Discussion

Executive45's avatar
Explorer III
Jan 07, 2021

Gander Outdoors

Anyone have any ideas about Camping World buying Gander Outdoors. I know they purchased them in 2019 and changed the CW in Mesa to Gander Outdoors. I noticed they have now changed it BACK to Camping World. Seems like an expense that didn't have to be made. Anyone like Gander better than CW. Prices mdse etc???...Dennis
  • When Gander Mountain was under the original Owners, variety, quality and price beat all the competition. We stopped at the Coldwater, Michigan, I think store many times. Still have a couple of decades old reels.But like the place in Coldwater that my wife worked at as a teen, making floats, everyone started buying Chinese. We tried to buy the float mfg but the kids who took over, well I don't know who owns it now and....
  • I bought from Gander when they were mail order, maybe 1 or 2 stores. They had pretty good clothing for elk hunting. When they opened stores on the Texas Gulf Coast they didn't have a clue. They had muskie lures and spinning reels, that few here use. I would shop their sales but nothing else. They truly didn't know their customer.
  • Same owner, different name. My neice used to run a Gander Outdoors. It was a very profitable store but there was no place for RVs, so when they added RVs to the name the store was closed.

    It's obvious RVs are the #1 priority, the "Outdoors" part has taken a waaay back seat.

    I used to stop at Gander Outdoors on a regular basis, I rarely stop at Gander Outdoors and RV. The closest one to us has even taken the "Outdoors" part off the sign. It simply says Gander RV.

    They had a great opportunity to diversify, it seems that isn't really in the business plan. All campers all the time, and a couple of hunting and fishing things too.

    We haven't bought a new camper in about 12 years, I buy hunting stuff all the time. Business opportunity lost, Bass Pro now gets my $$$.
  • At campfires, at the many RV Parks, we have visited, 95% probably,but none objected as talk turned to hunting and fishing. Everyone hunted and or fished.
    People who RV are outdoor types in general is our experience.
    The two types of stores mesh real well, if properly stocked with variety and prices and service are good! Problem is there is not one nears us and we have near $400.00 on a merchandise card and don't need anymore RV merchandise. Went to the website,and one was supposedly in Knoxville. Drove all that way and not hide nor hair of it or another site listed by by Sarrie? GPS says nearest is over 700 miles away in Ohio.
    Not real logical sicne90% of Tennesseans hunt and fish.Now that the same group who owns Bass Pro and Cabelas is buying Sportsmans Warehouse, no competition to speak of. Sale is supposed to be completed by fall. If Marcus puts someone who lives and eats in the outdoors,so to speak,Someone who knows what Hunters, Trappers,Boaters,Kayakers,Canoeists,and Fishermen, and Backpakcers want, a huge fortune awaits!
    One Store Mgr or a Corporate computer operating on numbers does fill the needs and wants of the many different Customers, at would evolve into a large store,kind of like Sears used to be. you can't insist on a certain profit margines regardless of quality, seasons change and so forth.not everyone wants the same do-dad or gadget...Variety,quality and service means returning Customers and huge profits.
    Remember when every Saturday we went to Sears for...everything under the sun?
  • All of the Gander Mountain stores near me changed to Gander Outdoors and then closed within a year. The Gander Outdoors became Camping World and then changed to Gander RV and Outdoors. The store is about 50% RV's and equipment and 50% outdoor stuff. I have walked through the RV section looking for items and was approached by RV sales staff. When I said that I was looking for RV accessories, the RV salesrep said that they would get someone to ask my questions. I eventually got tired of waiting and left after a 20 minute wait. I would have left earlier but decided to see how long it would take but gave up. Cabela's is only 5 miles away and I can always find someone there. If they don't have what I need, I go online. I may just stop driving 50 miles to check those places and go straight to online.
  • The Gander brand was always more like REI...outdoor sports but not RVs. At least that's what it was when it was Gander Mountain.

    I can see folks looking online for a place to shop for an RV and not going there because Gander was never known as an RV dealer.
  • I think the difference now is politics. And before the Mods go off, I'm not promoting either side.
    Gander has always sold and promoted hunting and fishing along with the non rv camping gear.
    CW has always catered to the rv crowd.
    While on the surface the two clientele's may seem similar, many RV types hate guns and hunting and will boycott the business.
    So they are trying to figure out which side to pander to on a local basis.