That is a hard question to answer. We purchased a ten year old entry level Foretravel. Our ten year old entry level Foretravel has more features than any brand new gas class A Motorhome. The folks that say floor plan is the most important feature probably don't know or care about the eight outside air bag suspension that provides great ride and handling, the all wheel disc air brakes that provide the best stopping of any motorhome, the Allison transmission retarder that provides for safe and secure down hill passage without using the brakes, the air leveling system that provides for quite and effective leveling in parking areas where the hydraulic struts could damage the parking surface in places like Walmart, the power electric and water reels that make setup an easy chore, the side radiator engine that provides for less expensive maintenance and engine efficiency, the all wood custom cabinets and interior finishing, etc. I could go on. Resale and depreciation costs are unknown and hard to predict. If you are going to a state park less than a hundred miles away and plan to stay there awhile, buy the gas. If you are actually going to be traveling in the motorhome, buy the high end eight year old diesel, you will not regret it.