Forum Discussion

Salianron's avatar
Aug 27, 2013

GizmosMom --) Class B Rallies

I didn't want to hijack a thread that has already veered off course, but just wanted to point out that Marilyn (GizmosMom) started the ball rolling for Class B rallies. Leisure Travel and others were having their big name brand rallies and Marilyn lamented that she could not attend a brand name rally because her B was an orphan as was my American Cruiser. She suggested a rally to include all Class B's. I seconded the motion and some people with more computer skills took it from there.
So would someone consult with Marilyn and Joe about a date or location that would fit into their schedule for a future rally so they can appreciate what they started?
  • The link is also at the top of the "B" home page,

    The Annual Class B Rally and Other Events

  • It's great that this topic was started so that those who own Class B vans now know how that they can go to to get all the information they need for the upcoming 11th Annual Class B Rally.

    Thanks Salianron,

  • Nick...a little insomnia goin' on?

    You're like my big brother in a schoolyard fight (that would be pre-school considering the antagonizing party here). Thanks for that.

    Just want to let everyone know that registration is now open for the Eleventh Annual Class B Rally.

    Go to to sign up.

    - LJZ
  • It was great that Lynne got things started with the annual Class B rallies and has continued to work on them for 11 years now. Without her initial and continued efforts, I doubt that they would have lasted this long. Thanks Lynne, and to all of you that have stepped forward to keep the "Class B only" rallies going. Hope to see you in Indiana next May.

    Nick & Chris
  • You have a good memory! I just happened to click on "newest" posts and saw this!

    I am still working at a preschool and Joe manages a club in the UT stadium. We are both still in the workforce and we participate in bass fishing tournaments with our couples fishing club. Our schedules are somewhat crazy and unpredictable. In addition, we also have annual trips (Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break) with friends that we take each year. Those all eat up a lot of vacation time. So I just kind of keep looking at the rallies and check to see if we can participate. The last trip in Michigan was very attractive but it was during May and that is a very busy month in the world of the little people (preschool). We are both from Michigan. Next summer we are going back for a combination family reunion and our high school class reunion.

    So keep planning them and we will see if we can attend!

    I am so happy that my little idea has helped everyone to make such strong connections!