Forum Discussion

  • It would "B" nice if Ford had a concept campervan similar to what Mercedes showcased last year.
  • Well, turn off those purple glow lights, put it on the road, toss some dirt on it, let asphalt speck it up, toss in a couple kids with suckers and McDonald's french fries, a wet dog, a bunch of bananas that forgot to get removed from the last shopping trip, a bit of rain, a pot hole or two, a gas pump nozzle that drips, used baby diapers, a spilled cup of coffee, gas station receipts stuck in the sun visor, a couple maps, put a bicycle carrier with bicycles on the back end, a luggage rack on top loaded with suitcases under a plastic tarp, sun glasses on the dash, box of Kleenex between the seats, music CDs stuffed in the door compartments, and a husband and wife and you just MIGHT have a pretty bodacious looking van there!