Forum Discussion

FIRE_UP's avatar
Sep 14, 2013

If you were a "Rat" what would you prefer?

Ladies and Gents,
The subject of Rats eating wires, insulation and more has been brought up on here every now and then. I've got a question that I'd like your opinion on. My back yard is about a third of an acre. We have taken the time, energy and cost, to scrape it level, clean and weed free. And, we've got a layer of 3/4" rock, covering the entire back yard, that is where's not nice grass and an above ground pool.

In other words, it's about as nice as we can make it, under the circumstances. Now, my neighbors, well, that's a different story. We have a 6' fence that has about 1/2" gaps between the fence boards. The rock in our yard, basically seals the bottom of the fence. But, on his side, it's a pit. Weeds, trash, broken items strewn about, dirt, wood piles of some split and some not, rock piles and much more. And, he's got two trailers (travel and toy box) back there, under a driver under aluminum cover.

Yesterday he asked me if I'd had any trouble with "rats" and damage to any portion of our motor home, which sits on concrete under a nice drive under cover and that area is very well kept and non-cluttered. I said not that I'm aware of. At present, we have no indications of any infiltration of Rats, anywhere. I'm always about, doing something to the coach, taking care of the yard, picking a stray weed here and there that may poke its head up in our rock back yard. So, the type of environment we have, I would say is not "provocative" to a rat, for lack of a better word.

So, what would you think, should I be worried? He said he had the insulation, under the hood, on his truck, which had been parked back there since they came back from a trip, a month ago, has been moved and packed into a nest in other parts of the truck. And some wiring was chewed. Now, again, I've read several posts about this situation. And, it's always been a concern since we live in the country and in sort of open space type terrain.

And, if I should be concerned, is there some sort of preventative "poison" etc. that I can spread along the fence line etc. that might "keep" them over on the other side? Thanks.

P.S. No I don't have a cat. All we have is a mini Schnauzer she's inside with us during the evenings but, does get to patrol the yard and perimeter at her will during the day.
  • I know you can buy some rat motels where you don't have to see them after they are dead. I would look at a local exterminator company and see what you can buy, I wouldn't buy the rat poison if you have animals, I once had a friend who's dog was killed by rat poison and it was a horrific death for the dog!
  • Rats and mice migrate to where they can find shelter and food, if not both. They will chew, claw, and eventually get into any object that will provide either, if they can. If the environment is conducive for them, they move on or avoid an unpleasant (for them) area. Sounds like you have made your yard about as unpleasant for a rodent as you possibly can. No food, no clutter to hide in, open space,, and a "critter" that goes on "pest" control every now and then. Very un-inviting for rodents.

    If you are not concerned about your dog catching a rodent, Decon Rat Poison will take care of just about any kind of 4 legged "woodland creature" that exists. However, if they eat the poison, and then your dog eats the "critter", the dog will get very ill, if not killed too. That's why most farmers and country folk have outdoor cats. Cats catch the rodents, and ... well... face it .. coyotees eat the cats! (sorry cat lovers, it's true .. it's happened to 2 of our house cats in the last 4 years).

    We have moles, and I've learned that Decon is great for moles. Kills them ... wham-bang-dead! But all our neighbors have dogs that run free, and they catch critters too. So Decon is really not an option. My little weiner dog is the best mole catcher.

    Your dog may be the best preventative measure you have. But, considering your yard is not a "junk yark", I think the rats will by-pass. They don't like open spaces either. Rodents follow the wall, pipes, stuff like that, and hide and nest under trash.

    You can alway set out a "live trap". But if you start catching rats, what are you going to do with them?
  • Just get the packets for rat poison and put it along the fence...
    and maybe a trap or two.
    Careful with those as they can seriously injure you.
    Not a mouse trap, but a larger rat trap.
    Peanut butter is a great attractant/bait