My Roadtrek wrote:
Oilman wrote:
1775, I also travel similar to the way you do although I will boondock if at all possible. Suggesting your late arrivals encourage theft is ludicrous.
In another thread the poster that suggested this nonsense talks about when they arrive at a campground at 9-10 pm they will do quick and quiet leveling if necessary. Kinda Funny.
So Oilman, have you read his Blog?
1775 says he arrives late most of the time, even has to inquire if the campground has gates that are locked at night. His stuff is being stolen, this has happened more than once. He says the RVer's he meets in the campgrounds aren't friendly, I wonder why that is?
Since there are people who will steal stuff for no reason, I don't think it's ludicrous to think that his camping behavior might give thieves a little more incentive.
And if you are going to quote me have the decency not to take what I say out of context. Thanks
This is what I said.
"For me, I always tried to get in, and set up before dark, Sometimes this didn't work out, but if it was later than say 9 or maybe10 PM, I would just hook up electrical, and crawl into the sack, read, or watch TV. Hoped I was level enough to sleep, but sometimes I had to do some quick, and quiet leveling."
That's right. I am out every day and back every night. Any campground that I am arriving in for the first time if I am getting there past the office closing has never had a problem with it and all have been set up to accommodate that with a box or cork board at the office door with reservations and the site assigned on it. I always tell them in advance if we know the trip is going to take us past closing to get there.
Others travel this way to. And this has nothing to do with how friendly other RVers are when you first arrive mid-day and attempt to say hello.
No one is disturbed when we come in at night, no one says a word when we see the guy in the RV in the next site - if there is anyone in the next site - the next morning - I said this all before - there is no excuse for stealing and your attitude about justifying theft as a way to get even or for being annoyed is pretty sick.
Read into my site what you like. Or don't read it at all. I have many readers who contact me directly to tell me how much they appreciate my telling it like it is and sharing how to make things work in their Roadtreks that the manual never makes clear and we have learned the hard way. Do I have a great love for RVing? I have no choice if we want to travel. Its OK. It is often not easy for where we want to go or where we would like to go - and we make the best of it.