How is the best way to get your mail when you go full time. We are getting ready to start. I know some can be emailed which is fine but some is not. What do you guys do about this. Thanks
We use Good Sam's mail service. We are pleased with it. Also the folks there were very helpful when we moved our official residence to Florida. They helped with licenses, vehicle registration and insurance. You can view each piece of mail online or for a lesser charge, call them and they will tell you what you have.
One factor not yet mentioned, is having a mail store and forward service that provides you with instant ability to view the mail they receive over the internet. You can then chose what they keep, what they destroy, and what they should forward immediately to you. Also having the ability to request they open and scan the contents of mail is a plus. I find such a service as St. Brendan's Isle mail forwarding service in Florida to be extremely useful.
Once you choose which state will be your "home" state while fulltiming, choose a professional mail forwarding company within that state. I use Americas Mailbox in SD, but TX & FL have similar options. Take advantage of every option to reduce the amount of hard copy mail you receive since you'll be paying to forward each piece. Most, but not all of your hard copy mail, can be setup for online electronic access.
I have been fulltiming since 2000 and I have used Mom and Dad to forward mail, a SD Mailbox and Escapees. I find the Escapees service to be the best. After many years I decided to become a TX resident as well so Escapees is my "home address" as well.
I use Escapees RV Club mail forwarding service out of Livingston, Texas. All my bills are paid online or are drafted out of my bank account, and my mail in sent to me once a month where ever I tell them to send it too.
Mail forewording services are kind of old school. Most folks now days do all their bill paying online. I can get notified by email when a bill is due. After 11 weeks I had three pieces of useful mail. The rest of a pretty good sized box was garbage.
There are a number of mail forwarding companies that specialize in working with RV'ers. You get a unique address from them, and on request they pack up your collected mail and send it to you wherever you are. Which state are you going to use as your domicile? The state where you'll be getting your driver's licenses, insurance, etc? Florida, South Dakota, and Texas are the states most commonly chosen due to having no state income tax and a reputation as being RV friendly.