goreds2 wrote:
overbrook wrote:
oatsmoeller wrote:
Sounds like a fun trip!
You might be interested in reading 'Boon Dockers: A journey through America one Walmart at a time', about a couple who traveled the USA for six months in their Class B van.
Currently free for the Kindle at Amazon. Find it at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BQEUO28/ref=pe_385040_117923520_TE_M1T1DP
Can you get the hard copy of that somewhere? I googled and could not find one.
I don't think that book is available in print. But you can download the free Kindle reader app to your computer, and read it there.
Or better yet, buy a Kindle reader (you can find them for around $60). Fill it up with books (follow the free book sites to find free ones daily), and you'll have a library you can take on the road.
Get the basic Kindle reader, and it'll stay charged for a month or more of reading and hold thousands of books.