Need good 12V DC power
Open the outside compartment
Clean it out with a shop vacuum
Check that it is plugged into the 110V outlet
Inspect for any signs of leaking (yellow powder/residue)
Level the RV.......fridge operating off level WILL damage it. Flow is disrupted/overheats/creates blockage in cooling unit)
Valve in propane
Light off stove top burners on high to establish propane flow/allow LP regulator to function. With burners lit and steady turn fridge ON
Select 'gas'
If fridge temp control is adjustable turn it to coolest setting
Wait 24 hrs and check that freezer is 0-10*F and food section is 35-40*F
The not working on electric could be a bad heat element, bad fuse.
Taking fridge out, turning it upside down is a band-aid fix to a clogged/blocked cooling unit. It will NOT cure the problem. IF cooling unit has blockage it is permanent!
Find out IF it cools.