same concerns as with any other 30 year old car.
it'll be cheap to buy, but expensive to run- poor mpg ( about 8 maybe) and need lots of fixin'
if in the desert all your rubber will be rotted, suspension, body mounts, window seals and fuel lines
the heat will have affected motor and tranny internal seals and gaskets
so maybe cheap to get into, but it'll keep you busy.
I have old cars- they require alot to keep running.
add the quality of the coach build and the features, wiring, plumbing, gas systems etc.
common in the desert for someone to "live" in an rv in the back of a property and trash it ( yes I am referring to meth- the local phx ads have dozens of lived in a trashed airstreams)
if you can afford something newer, you'll get by with cheaper operating costs