mkguitar wrote:
same concerns as with any other 30 year old car.
it'll be cheap to buy, but expensive to run- poor mpg and need lots of fixin'
I hear ya Mike, and thanks for your input. I used to love tinkering with old cars, not so much now. Most of my favorites were from the sixties. Some earlier, some later.
The research I have done on this vehicle so far points directly at it's having a Thermoquad. As soon as I learned that, I started researching carburetors to replace it with. The Thermoquad has got to be the WORST carburetor known to man. Fortunately there is a Carter AFB that is a direct replacement. (There I go again, researching it before I consider buying it.)
After the immediate problems are remedied, I figure I can start using it as I am addressing the other stuff a little at a time as I can afford it.