Teleman wrote:
Last December we bought a 2000 Airstream Land Yacht. They want $775 to register it for 2022! WTH? We never paid anything like that much before on our previous motorhome. Is this some new punishment from our a-hole governor for our "carbon footprint" or some such nonsense? Does anyone know what's going on? We are furious! We love living here for the climate and geography but this has to be the worst governed state in the union.
In California, when you buy a NEW vehicle, you pay state sales tax on it. (in addition to initial license/registration fees) When you buy a used vehicle, you pay a "USE" tax on it which is often the same as the sales tax, the DMV just calls it something different because it's a used vehicle. Provided the vehicle is currently licensed/registered in California, you also pay a transfer of ownership/title fee. The use tax is generally based on your claimed purchase price. If the DMV feels that you are under reporting the current value (purchase price) of the vehicle, they can default to the published Kelly Blue Book value (if one exists) and charge you more.
In subsequent years, you will only pay the annual (depreciated) registration renewal fee which is generally (not always) based on what the state thinks is the current market value.
Chum lee