We have an '08 Lexor, quite like it, and chose it over the PW Excel for several reasons:
1. More footwell space for the passenger - a lot more.
2. Longer wheelbase, thus a shorter rear axle to rear bumper and a better "ride". (OK, I'm interested in the rear axle to "hitch ball" for a trailer as the shorter that distance, generally speaking, the "more comfy" a trailer tows).
3. We wanted a steel body, rather than the Excel's fiberglass body. Yes the Excel is wider, so more room inside, but the Lexor was fine for us.
4. And a few other reasons that likely wouldn't matter to anyone else.
Separately, we chose the PW Lexor over the RT 190 because of the floorplan - i.e., they are essentially reversed streetside to curbside.
Ours is a "keeper". I quite like the way it drives, though it is a truck. It has been bulletproof reliable, though we do try to look after things.
Finally, at our age, it is quite likely our last. Alas.