shlemon wrote:
I have a 2012 Excel TS that leaks like crazy and I cannot seem to find anybody that can give advise on getting them fixed. Here are the issues
1.Tail lights leak into rear inside corners.
2.Rear door windows occasionally leak from the bottom up.
3.Passenger side rear door leaks into carpeted area inside door.
4.One of the two upper front windows leaks onto micro wave.
5.Massive leak through firewall onto drivers side floor.
6.If you remove the A pillar trim on both sides you will see that they have been leaking through the seams for a long time as there are rust run marks at the bottom of each pillar.
7.Water leaks down some of the screws that penetrate the roof where the fibre glass and metal roofs join.
8.And the newest leak is over each side rear window and the interior fabric walls and curtains are now stained by some black substance that was in the water.
Items 3 and 4 may be fixed (by me). On items 2,3,5 and 6 I have been to three different Ford dealers and had the windshield resealed twice and various other attempted repairs with no positive results. With help from Neil at PW I think we know what the fix is for number 5 and I am working with a ford dealer to perform that repair.
Nobody on the pleasureway owners group seems to have had any water leaks so i thought I would ask for advise here. I have had this unit since new (16 months) and have been trying to resolve these leaks basically since new. I have no dealer support locally because I didn't buy it from the local dealer so he is not helpful. Any advise is appreciated.
Stan Lemon
2012 Pleasure Way Excel
Have you contacted directly by email or phone. They are very helpful and it does not matter how old your PW is. They may be able to help.