Forum Discussion

FLfamily's avatar
Jul 17, 2016

Power in Only Part of RV

When we arrived at our campsite everything was working normal except I noticed the interior lights seemed dimmer than usual. 24 hours later, the lights starting going more dim and the A/C units stopped working along with the refrigerator, the only things that work are a few outlets and both TV's. Has anyone had this happen? A fuse maybe? We have a 2006 Hurricane. Thanks.
  • OP,

    Decent voltmeters are widely available for under $20. Good tool to know how to use and get to the source of electrical issues.

    Your description sounds like the batteries are not being charged by either the alternator or the gen/shore power. Could be simply a tripped CB or something more sinister.

    The sooner you get the batteries charged the happier they will be. Don't wait buy a charger as lvylog suggested.
  • Harbor freight has cheap volt ohm meters for about 6 dollars Works great . If you drop it and it breaks your not out much. Buy two one for rv and one at home. Ants love to get in circuits . Happens all the time. Are camp sites close can you reach another pedestal Borrow extension cord from fellow camper for a few minutes , to get slides in and move to another site.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    YOu do not need a volt meter.. In fact I prefer to use a test light.
    Like This one

    You can get them at most Auto Depts including Wal Mart and Camping world, also most auto-parts stores like Discount Auto Zone (That's two stores depending on which word you cut off). or NAPA.

    No need to READ the meter.. Bright = Good, Dim poor, Dark bad That simple.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    I love it when you try to help someone out and they have the courtesy of replying back the solution to their problem.
  • Let's review: Gen died, no shore power, slides won't come in, batteries discharged, batteries questionable, engine won't start due to slides out and no voltmeter. :@

    Time to call for help. :B
  • Update: loose connection at the converter. We had someone come out to our campsite and when he took the panel off the power came back on. We made it through the rest of our vacation with A/C and full power (lights would dim occasionally) but we're going to replace the converter before our next trip. We appreciate everyone's quick response and help!
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Thanks for the update. Are you sure you need a new converter if a loose connection was the problem? If it is not a three stage converter (onLy put out 14V) then a better converter will pay for itself in not boiling the water out of your batteries.