Forum Discussion

Alfred622's avatar
Nov 16, 2013

Printer that can survive Winter and Summer?

I recently replaced my bulky analog TV over the windshield with a flat panel. The space behind the flat panel would be ideal for a wireless printer. However, I'd prefer NOT to need to remove the printer once installed. Printing volume would be very low. I don't need color. But, it will get to -20 degrees F during winter storage and probably over 120 degrees F during summer camping.

Has anyone found a printer capable of remaining in the RV during these extremes?

Epson ink jet printers are good from -4 to +100 but that is as close that I've found. I'd be OK with a thermal printer as long as it can do 8.5x11" printing. Brother makes one, but it is uber expensive and I would not think thermal paper would survive 120F.

Does anyone leave their printer installed year around in such temperature extremes?
  • I didn't used to agree with the laser printer idea. But I picked up a little Dell laser printer for $50. (heck, the next toner cartridge cost more than that!) It was a bit fussy to set up as a network printer, as the manual is abominable. But now it works, and for low frequency use (no color) it is a better choice. No more gummed up inkjet carts.
    These things get shipped to cold places all the time, like Alaska, and in cold aircraft holds. I see no reason why they should not work once the place is warm.
  • I leave a printer in an unheated building up in Northern MN with no ill effects. First winter I was nervous that the ink cartridge might burst making a huge mess, so I put the printer into a tub. Nothing happened, and it been working now for the last three winters.
  • I highly recommend a laser printer... dry toner is the only thing being stored. Much better than liquid ink. By the way... it's black and white.

    I use the Brother 2270w

    And before anybody asks about toner settling, yes, it can. If that happens, and I'd think it would be rarely, if at all... just pull out the toner cartridge, give it a couple shakes and stick it back in. Far better than messing with liquid ink that isn't liquid anymore.
  • We live in a very old house (1790) and have no storm windows. We had an Epson ink jet under a window at the bottom of a dry sink. Snow would come in at times and get on the printer but when it thowed out it would always work. I think if it's warm enough to live in the printer will work fine
  • If a television can take the temperatures then why not a printer? You could always pop out the ink cartridge.