Forum Discussion

rvdogmom40's avatar
Jun 30, 2014

Propane Alarm

DH was preparing our 04 PW for the first trip of the season. I planned to have a "girl's getaway --just the dog and I. As I was working the propane alarm started going off. Previously I had tested the stove by briefly turning it on. There is no odor in the PW or out by the tank. Seems like I remember from previous postings that these alarms occasionally fail (ours is original dated 8/03).

DH unscrewed face plate and found wires "crimped" and not joined with wire nuts. Is it a big deal to DIY? I don't want to be jolted out of sleep in the middle of the night and not be able to stop the noise. Nor do I want a gas leak.

Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  • Mine failed last year on my 04. I didn't even know they had a time limit. But no big deal to replace. The original manufacturer went out of business and the holes of the replacement don't line up just right but it's just 2 wires and you can recrimp or even use wire nuts I suppose.

    Dave 04 P/W Excel TD
  • If it is a low voltage alarm, you can cure it by turning off power to the alarm for a few minutes. If you turn it back on and get no alarm, you had a low voltage situation. If it continues to beep, it needs replacing.
  • Had the same problem with ours in our 2005 PW Excel when it was brand new. Phil at PW sent me a new replacement which I changed. The next trip, in the middle of the night, it went off and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! No, there was no gas leak, we don't have a dog and no beans for dinner! Oh and the wife uses hair spray in the morning only.

    After some research and tinkering, I located an adjusting screw and and "toned" things down so that it works fine now after some testing. But, I still have not reattached the stupid thing because I don't think my heart nor my wife's can take the jarring shock in the middle of the night when I'm deep asleep! Yup, I'll take my chances!
  • Had the same issue with our 05 Plateau last year. Just replaced it as the CCI company is out of business.
  • Was it a constant beep or just an occasional chirp?

    Constant beep is ALARM

    Occasional chirp....low battery voltage or failing unit.

    8/03 RV.....replace. It is over due.
  • There should be an expiration date on the back of the alarm. IIRC, 5 yrs. I recommend replacing the unit now and be done with it for a while.