well, yes you would think the plug would come out with the socket but you have to remember that when the plug releases, a ton of oil comes rushing out of the escape hole downward all at once. When that happens, you have to get your hand and tool out of the way fast or you get your hands, arm and clothing soaked with hot oil (assuming that you ran the generator before draining the oil as recommended by Cummins ). Looking out for the drain plug is the least of the worries when oil is going everywhere at once. This is compounded by the fact that the plate hole is very narrow so getting the wrench and socket out of there quickly is not easy. If the access hole on the bottom plate were an inch or two wider it would make the deal 100% easier. I can't imagine how this design ever saw daylight at Cummins. And the fill hole also. Don't these engineers put these units through testing to see if the designs work and are friendly? It's just amazing to me that they have a product on the market that is so user unfriendly.