I finished replacing the Gen. I put on a new fuel pump, new filter and all new hoses and mounted them on the outside of the gen.
I ran it for over an hour not loaded, I haven't hooked up the 3 output wires yet. During the run It would occasionally sputter, The filter which is also clear is about 1/4 to 1/3 full of air. I noticed air in every line except right at the carb. I never noticed any air entering the carb but it must have been inside the stream.
Coming out of the tank is a plastic fitting with a white plastic barb about 3/8" then there is a 6 inch long black stiff piece with white C clamps on each end. You put this over the barb and slide in the wide c clamp on, you can push and pull the line and rotate it. The out end there is a right angle stainless steel double barb about 3" long. One end goes into that black thingy and the other to the gas line. Its also not tight you can move it in/out and around.
I never saw air coming out of the tank but about 1 ft from it the line goes up and a bubble would gather there and move a round, it never went away. If I lowered the line it would move away but come back as soon as I let it go. I took off the black thing and put the stainless 90 right into the plastic output from the tank and then taped it so I know it couldn't pull air. It didn't help. So I have to assume the leak is in the tank pipe. I suppose I have to call Roadtrek to get a new one. It is about 2" round with threads and screws into the tank, with a right angle barb on the output in the middle.