Alex and Tee wrote:
It does have a rear view camera but the sales person told us it only comes on when the coach is in reverse. Same with the side views on the mirrors. They only come on when the turn signal is engaged.
That is true for the turn signal cameras, but you should have a rear view camera. Salesmen don't always know. Like the one that told us our generator was propane. I said, ?????? He said, they ALL are. No, that's not true. I got the serial number off of it and called Onan. It was a GAS powered generator as I thought.
It may be a setting, but I'm betting you have a rearview camera. A backup camera only comes on when you are in reverse. There is a difference between a backup and a rearview camera.
We had a friend who refused to run with his rearview camera on going down the road, something we did without fail to keep an eye on the toad and on traffic. I asked him why he didn't have it on. He said he couldn't stand the road noise. I said. . . "You do know there is a volume control on it don't you?" He looked at me like I was daft. Guess what? It had a volume control. He had the coach for over a year and didn't know that. :-)