Forum Discussion

johncasey37's avatar
Sep 19, 2017

Replaced Starter, now, no 12V power at the dash

I changed the starter. Then the problem started...Had the starter checked. I checked every fuse i could find. Wires look ok, peeled back heat shield to check. 2 fuse boxes under hood. One 12" metal box with disconnect switches, this one has power everywhere, except a vertical row of fuses on right side. another 6" fuse box under hood all dead. a 3rd fuse box under dash, all dead. even the security light for the ignition..dead. Disconnect switch sound like they are working. I can turn the key on(no lights at all on dash) and then jump the solenoid, and start the RV...still dash is dead. I would appreciate any clues.
2004 southwind 32V / Workhorse
John Casey
  • i always like to take a picture of the wiring with my phone before i take it apart so i can look later and make sure it gets put back together the same way it came apart. you may have missed a wire or have one connected wrong since this started after the starter replacement. on most vehicles the dash power comes from a wire connected to the starter solenoid and goes through a fusible link to the fuse panels.
  • Thank you all for the suggestions.
    I am going to look at it again, carefully.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I do not believe Workhorse does it this way but I have seen CARS where power to the dash is tapped off at the starter BATTERY terminal (That's the big one).

    Now,,, You say you disconnected the battery..

    On my WOrkhorse there were 3 wires hooked to the POSITIVE terminal and one negative

    Intelletec Battery Control Center (Ignition, dash, everything NOT the starter or Jacks)

    Due to the use of the WRONG type of metal this connection was a major issue.. So I got a SHORT battery cable (*Actually a repair cable) and moved those wrong metal connections a few inches away from the battery.. Also reduced to just one wire to the battery (a proper battery wire) Just so you know.

    I suspect that is where the issue is. Missed a wire at the battery

    Option 2.
    IF unit was connected to shore power. the BCC wire would still have been HOT, possible issue with the BCC,
  • Yes, 3 BIG cables to the positive side. I took the starter off (again) and wires look good. On the Battery, have to use a side terminal extender(easy to snap in half) I jumped the starter solenoid and started the RV again. There was power at the dash /horn/ etc, while it was running. Now, this RV has some security thing on it, where the keys have to be close to the steering column for it to start. Normally, with everything off, there remains a small red blinking light on the steering column. This small red light has not lit up since we replaced the starter. I am wondering if this security system is my issue. Digging thru the paperwork, i think i have documentation on it. the key tag says, "TRIAD", zero contact security...and a 1-888 number