your Brother may want to look at other brands too.
on some Rt models they have a drop floor which adds alot of the MSRP cost- for me when shopping I kept tripping on the transitions
RT's often are set up for 3 pass ( popular) or 4 ( versatile)- this mean the cabinetry has to run floor to ceiling- I find claustro
sideways sleeper models may not work if he is tall
I liked the way the sprinter drove ( and rented a citroen based RV in Ireland- this is same chassis as promaster, diesel 6 speed...rt hand drive) but the diesel cost to buy in and the decreasing cost per mile benefit send me to a Chev 3500 6.0 gas. anyone anywhere can fix with parts from autozone...
mine is a 2006 pleasure-way Lexor TD- only 2 seats, which suits us. the quality of the build is excellent and the chev chassis is great.
and this cost us less than 1/2 what we budgeted.
there are some other great brands out there...
the future is diesel is cloudy- parent companies are in the EU where diesel is being slapped down due to VW and individual DEF cheats, and some areas are not allowing diesels to park, transit etc.
the death of diesel is coming.
Running the van motor for electrical power ( dual alt as described below) will get you a fine in many US cities for idling- you just can;t do that. and it is wear on your van motor. false economy. most diesels will have to hgh idle to keep the oil pressure up.
just a short while ago I was aware of the loud campground host vs high idling diesel owner arguing about noise and 10 pm genny limitation and etc etc.
the camper left