Forum Discussion

a1parrothead's avatar
Sep 16, 2014

Roadtrek Vents and Insects

I have just purchased my 1996 Roadtrek. I am wondering about the vents on it. The rear of the Roadtrek has a large area of vents for the inside A/C, and then on the drivers side there is some more vents. The side refrigerator vent has some smaller screen inside that looks adequate to prevent insects, but all of the other vents are the slanted metal type with no screening in them.

Don't bee's and other insects easily make their way in through these vents?

Why doesn't Roadtrek put finer screens on these?
Any tips or suggestions, or is the factory vents adequate?

Thanks, Jeff
  • I have an 02 Roadtrek and the only place that I suspect mosquitoes come in is through the stove exhaust fan opening. I seal the edges of the filter with tape and it seems to work OK. The rear side window screen edges have tape on them also. The rest of the critters fly in when we get in or out.