tatest wrote:
I was just looking at the RT line, did not see an all-electric option on the Agile.
The E-Trek has the capability to run everything through its large inverter, leaving the diesel engine running as a power source for heavy loads like A/C. Battery bank is big enough for short term use of other heavy loads like microwave, running the engine remains as backup. It is an interesting idea just now, because truckers used to do this all the time, but several jurisdictions have outlawed extended idling, forcing carriers to install auxilary gensets. But for now, private vehicles may be exempt for rules that try to make truckers more environmentally responsible, whether the choices are better or not.
There's an all electric option for some Chevy models, more battery, bigger alternators, and a large inverter, and there is an all electric entry level model operating at 1250w, neither will run A/C long, the smaller one not at all.
I couldn't find a similar option for the Agile, but maybe it is just not in the brochures yet. What it would have to be would be E-trek in Agile size, maybe not as many batteries, depending on whether or not they can be fit and the weight carried by a smaller Sprinter.
It was quoted to my buddy in the Agile but with just 2 batteries. I think it's a pretty good option for him as he would rarely use the generator.