Came in for a break from stripping. Our local Lowes only had a few bottles of #1 RMP stripper left. They are carrying Zep now same as Home Depot and the Zep stripper is "heavy duty floor stripper" while the finish that is supposed to be like RMP is Wet-Look. That is $24.95 a gallon though. Will miss this $15 gallon of RMP when it is gone! But I snagged one of the last #1's for only $7.97 or something like that.
Applying the stripper is super easy. I can't even tell it is work. Nothing like scrubbing with the Bar Keeper's Friend. I combined a couple of cups (actually just several "glugs"as my dad used to call them) into a pail of hot water and I'm applying it with a sponge.
The directions caution to rinse immediately and not allow the stripper to dry on the finish. So I'm power spraying every section as soon as I wipe it off. One wipe of this stuff took off the difference in tints immediately so I know it is removing what is left of the finish. I will try to put a bit of new finish on the other side before I strip it all and see if I can tell if the difference in tint is immediate or occurred over time. That will be an interesting test.