Finished the other side today. I noticed when I went back out after applying the stripper yesterday that some of the drips as in the photo were still visible. So I just started applying the Red Max and they seemed to disappear by the second coat. That makes me think that the Red Max does have a tint to it when first applied. Someone else on this thread noticed a slight tint after leaving part undone for just a short time. I'm thinking that it is not really a yellowing over time but that it dries a bit darker than white.
I used the stripper again on the second side but I could not tell that I was taking off any of the old finish. It gave the surface a more uniform appearance and I rinsed it immediately as the instructions mentioned. I used more stripper in the water and measured it a bit more carefully today to see if that made a difference but it did not appear to.
Did not get any photos as it was almost dark before I finished. I had to spiff it up again as I'm going to the rally in Phoenix! Actually, I can tell the rig is another year older. A few more scratches and of course this year's rear repair looks a bit ragged. We are still really enjoying it though so what the heck.