I believe that somewhere in this thread is a post by someone who gave the BKF/RMP treatment to the metal cab of their rig. Not only did they get the same dramatic results but as a bonus, after a trip, they hosed down the the bugs on the front of the cab to "loosen them up" prior to scrubbing. They were surprised to see the bugs fall right off the surface without washing.
I parked my rig under a shady oak tree and used 4 coats of rubbing compound on the cab followed by a coat of Turtle Wax Ice. Back in the sunshine I could see heavy streaking where the rubbing compound didn't completely do the job. So, while waiting for delivery of the new torsion springs for my garage door, I'll use BKF on a wet rag and get down to clean paint and then wash with Dawn and apply RMP3. Then comes the dingy aluminum running boards which I'll remove, shine, coat with RMP to preserve the shine and then replace with new hardware.
BTW, when I go to Lowe's and ask where the Red Max Pro 3 is they look at me like I have 2 heads. :R