Forum Discussion

ander's avatar
Aug 12, 2015

short trip report love the solar

hi all

we spent a couple days camping in a little place called madera canyon, just south of green valley az.

did some hiking and such, mostly just to get away from the 100 deg temps and it was perfect.

temps in the 70s rained more than not, but the 2 new 6volt batteries and 100 watt panel worked wonders.
ive been used to killing an old 12 marine battery after only one day of use so only being down 25% by the 3rd morning was a joy.

we got there about 3 in the afternoon and with the weather i was worried about the batteries so we really conserved the first nite.
.watching maybe 2hrs of tv and really being carefull. the batteries were at 98 percent by morning and full by 10 ish.

it clouded over by noon and we didnt see the sun for the next day and a half, but we decided to see what would happen if we just didnt worry a out it.

with solid cloud cover, the maxxair fan running 24/7 and a few led lites and about 14hrs of tv...water pump and stove fan for an hr a nite we were only down to 88% by the 3rd afternoon

so glad i finally installed the 6volts :)
  • travelcpl wrote:
    I have to ask this question. We physically can not have 2 6volt batteries and run from one 12 volt group 24 deep cycle battery. It works for us as we do not have much in power demands. Can this setup work to keep us charged??

    yes i think a single 100 watt panel setup would work for you.

    we could normaly get by with the same single battery..for one night or so and the 100 watt panel would have kept us charged, but im looking to keep off the grid, or not have to drive to charge up for as long as possible.
  • I have to ask this question. We physically can not have 2 6volt batteries and run from one 12 volt group 24 deep cycle battery. It works for us as we do not have much in power demands. Can this setup work to keep us charged??
  • ander wrote:

    my wiring was all done acording to sites like handybobs.

    ill post pics of the set up so far, but allready thinking of changes.


    I have learned a lot from handybob site and also extensive electrical discussion on

    I still have a ways to go before I understand enough to make a final decision on components and layout. Thanks for your patience and help.

  • PeteCo wrote:
    I had narrowed my search down to the bogart meter and controller as well. What vehicle do you have? Is the panel the flexible one? How did you attach it to the roof? Did you do the install? I would be interested in your wiring setup.


    i have a 94 pleasureway stw....and being 20 yrs old makes me feel easier about modifying it to my needs.

    the panels are ridgid. with all the stuff protruding from my roof, im having to plan on raising them above everything. the one now straddles the AC (ill have to snap a pic).
    i used the sticky feet mounts from RVSOLAR, but i think ill be using wellnuts from now on.
    my wiring was all done acording to sites like handybobs.

    ill post pics of the set up so far, but allready thinking of changes.

  • I have solar mounted on the roof of a 2000 LTV and used 3M 4000 UV Hybrid Adhesive Sealant under 4 L shaped brackets bolted to the solar panel. Wanted to avoid drilling hole in the fibreglass. The specs for the Sealant are on the 3M website. They advised this sealant because it is compatable with aluminum and fibreglas.
    Ran the wiring down the roof drain in the airconditioner mounting which your Roadtrek will not probably have.
  • I had narrowed my search down to the bogart meter and controller as well. What vehicle do you have? Is the panel the flexible one? How did you attach it to the roof? Did you do the install? I would be interested in your wiring setup.

  • PeteCo wrote:
    ander wrote:
    the 2 new 6volt batteries and 100 watt panel worked wonders.

    so glad i finally installed the 6volts :)

    Could you please describe more details of your system? I am wanting to add solar to my 2006 Roadtrek 210P. I already have two 6-volt batteries. I was considering two 100-watt flexible panels but it would be great if I only need one. What charge controller and monitor did you use?


    im using both the tri-metric 2025rv
    and sc 2030 from bogart eng. with a 100 watt renology panel and 2 costco 6volt batteries.

    i have another 100 watt panel im going to install soon and have room for a 3rd someday.

    we decided to ditch the micro after the first year of owning,so our needs are fairly small for now.

  • ander wrote:
    the 2 new 6volt batteries and 100 watt panel worked wonders.

    so glad i finally installed the 6volts :)

    Could you please describe more details of your system? I am wanting to add solar to my 2006 Roadtrek 210P. I already have two 6-volt batteries. I was considering two 100-watt flexible panels but it would be great if I only need one. What charge controller and monitor did you use?

  • Glad you had a positive weekend. I love our solars... With 6 batteries, I'm able to use the micro, watch tv, use the blow dryer and toaster (not at the same time though).......AND have enough left to use my cpap all night ....and we're usually down only to about 85% the next morning. Not having to run the generator all the time or having to plug in has opened up a BEAUTIFUL world for us!