flapbreaker wrote:
Thanks for all the input guys. Obviously I need a new topper and to inspect the seal better. Water has collected behind the drivers seat. It looks like this has been an issue for a long time with this RV (It's new to me). The roof of the slide is not completely flat so water will pool on top and when you bring the slide in, the low spots don't get squeegee'd off. However it appears there is still some leaking with out retracting the slide. I'm going to take a better look today.
Even with a new slide topper, you will get some water on top of the slide during a blowing rain. Try raising the front or rear of the coach to make the water run off the slide, then re-level before retracting the slide. I also put an old towel on top of the slide to prevent any residual moisture from dripping down the front of the slide during braking. Don't forget to remove the towel before extending that slide again.