Some just say a credit card is all you need. Others say you won't be able to handle the huge tire. Then there is the guy who carries everything he needs to change a 22.5, but that's not realistic for most.
I believe the best advice is to have road side service and let them do the work for the one in a 1000???? chance you have a flat. In my previous coach, an 05 Diplomat, I carried an unmounted spare in my storage bay and stored things inside of it. Here's why.....My Diplomat used a small 22.5 tire and was hard to find. Take a look at your tire size and brand and then call around where you live and see if there is one available. Often they're not, they're usually different from what the trucks run and most are specific to RV's. If you look around, Michellin is currently back ordered on a lot of their popular 22.5 sizes.
You can always buy some off brand and incorrect size to get you going, but IF you have the space, an unmounted spare could save you not just hours, but days of aggravation.
My current coach has a tag an in an emergency, I would move the tag rim to the flat.