Bumpyroad wrote:
avanti wrote:
Oilman wrote:
According to what I have read on this and other forums The Mercedes dealer is the only one who can flush the brake fluid properly. The dealer level software is used to activate the valving on the ABS unit to get the proper flush.
A flush done by a non dealer will not be able to flush the ABS unit.
I don't really know if this matters or not but this is what I have read.
I will be ready for my "B" service soon and if it weren't for that requirement I think I would just do the service myself.
There is much controversy as to how important the ABS activation thing is during a brake flush. Here is one discussion:
A couple of things to note:
1) The brake flush is NOT part of the "B" service. It is to be done every two years.
2) Some third-party scan tools can activate the ABS system, so you may have alternatives to the dealer.
3) Many people believe that you can do a DIY purge by exercising the ABS system on a gravel road.
would failure to have this done by a MB service center with the proper equipment, etc. be cause to deny some warranty coverage.
It certainly doesn't matter who does the service. That would be illegal in the US.
If the service isn't done properly, then warranty coverage could be denied if and only if they can demonstrate the the improper service contributed to the failure. The law is pretty clear on this.
Now, does not exercising the ABS count as "improper service"? It might. But, any failure for which warranty was denied would have to be plausibly related to the omission.