CASERTA wrote:
I have a 2012 MB ERA Sprinter RV. Have close to 25,000 miles and am about to get a Service B as per schedule. I am a bit shocked that the local MB dealer would want a minimum $800, and perhaps more than $1000, if the fuel filter and water separator needs to be replaced. I spoke to a non-MB mechanic and he said that he could do the Service B for $250, other than replacing the fuel filter and separator. He didn't think the vehicle, at 25000 miles, would require the fuel filter and water separator be replaced.
Could anyone comment as to whether or not they believe the fuel filter and water separator should be replaced? Does anyone have any comments as to the the MB Service B maintenance schedule ?
Ford had THE WORKS for $29.00 - for essentially THE EXACT SAME THING Mercedes wants $800.00.
This is what I've been saying since I got my 2007 Sprinter. You MAY save some fuel dollars buy in the LONG RUN you will be paying more that an RV running a V-10 gas engine in repair costs VS service costs.
I just spent 2K from a MB dealer to clear a "code" and they kept it for 10 days.
All you fan boys that love your Sprinter will rue the day.