J-Rooster wrote:
You have to keep in mind that your driving a house on a truck frame! You sit way higher then a pick up truck and wind has a big effect on how your coach preforms. Also most roadways are "Supered" for drainage usually 1 to 3 inches from centerline to fog line and this will cause slight drifting.
And THATS just one more thing that makes Comfort Drive such a huge improvement. It senses you're holding tension on the wheel then takes it out. Big cross winds, while still there, don't tend to nearly as much of an issue either.
Honestly, if every builder started using Comfort Drive these types of posts would be a thing of the past. Yet people still buy motorhomes without it. :h
Oh well. I know, it's their money and I'm a broken record - but I'd MUCH rather drive our MH than pull our TT, and I very much enjoy driving my truck. :w