Correct tire pressure per your weights and tire manufacture weight and pressure charts plus 5#. If you can't weigh right now set to the minimum PSI per the manufactures sticker that should be locatd behind the drivers seat. Then CHF. Both are free and simple to DIY.
Then add an auxiliary rear sway bar. I used Hellwig from You can DIY depending on your comfort level and ability. Read the online instructions and check for videos. You need about 300# torque on the spring u-bolts.
In my case I changed the front sway bar to a Hellwig after the CHF as I just wasn't happy with it. Adding Sumo Springs in the next few weeks. I did a S-T-P blue awhile ago and not real impressed.
Unless you are getting a lot of tail wag and pushing around when being passed a track bar is likely not going to do anything.
Mine is a 2016 F53, 22000# chassis.