Recently went through this debate myself although for different reasons. The convenience to drive, park and prep are what attracted me to a B from an A. We ended up staying with the A. Cost and space were the main reasons. I could not find a class B I liked enough in my price range. I could almost buy a brand new entry level DP for the price of B. Space was the other consideration. Not much room in a B and we have 3 people. Understanding you are retiring but you mentioned full timing. Now I know a lot of folks on here FT in a B, but no way I could do it especially after owning an A. You also mention as a way to stop towing a car, but frankly I've found that hooking up our car 4 down literally takes about a minute. And if you will use your B as a grocery getter, remember you will still have to break camp every time you want to venture into town so no benefit over an A and towing a car. Tanks are smaller too, so boon docking becomes a more careful exercise in water usage and waste management. All in all I simply could not justify half the space for twice the money. But to each his own. Many people love B's and I can certainly see why they have their own market. I am not knocking them at all, they have their merit for sure. But coming from an A I would be very realistic about your expectations and spend a lot of time in one before you buy and see if you can survive the smaller space and compact amenities. Especially full timing. As I am sure you are aware, it's much easier to buy an Rv than it is to sell one so mistakes in purchases get very costly.