There was a recent
survey of blowing only, using pink, and drinking... Thanks D..Sport. I'm in the 20% that only blow my lines out and the 57% that drink our water. Putting the pink in the tank takes a bunch of it after you get all of the water out of it. Using a hose at the pump is better as two gallons will probably do your 32'. Even with a small 12V air compressser you can blow your lines out and then a gallon of pink put in at the pump will be enough. Your water heater needs draining (remove plug on it) and hopefully it as a bypass valve on it. I would suggest finding someone to help you the first time.
Four down will be the easiest way for you and you can search on
Remco for cars that are towable or look in the car's manual under emergency towing. Yes, there are more manual tranny cars that are towable but there are plenty of auto too.