Forum Discussion

  • I'd really like to know if the quality is the same as the old Travasaks before buying one. I had been almost ready to pay the extra $100 for an RV Superbag.
  • I suspect it is a completely new company making them that bought the rights to the Travasak name.
  • From the link, it appears that they might be back in production. It would be nice to buy one queen sized one, and a few of the inside linens so there is a clean one at the ready if need be.
  • I need replacement sheets for my old one.
    No replacement ones on CW web site. :(

    On edit I found where to get them.
  • I've got one of the originals and I like the ability to remove and wash the sheets. But, I camp at all times of the year and I was disappointed there there isn't a bigger difference in warmth/comfort between the summer and winter sides. Also the zippers seem to always get hung up in the flaps on the side which are there to try and block the airflow thru the zippers. I still use it, but now I also just toss in a good sleeping bag for summer or winter depending on when I'm camping. The Travasak is a great idea but I think it needs some updates.
  • Our queen size Travasak will be 9 years old in July and looks brand new. Recommended it to many friends and they are just as pleased. It has to be one of the best purchases we've made for our 05 LTV.
  • I wonder if they're back in production, or if CW is just clearing out their left-over inventory (sizes & colors that didn't sell)? Mine are 8+ years old and still holding up, knock on wood (taps skull lightly, 'Dang, got a splinter!').

    Jim, "Mo' coffee!"
  • I wonder if the new ones are the same high quality as the old ones were. We loved the old ones.