I guess I should check in too. Not much to report as of late, very few trips in the last 2 year and most of the problems are not worth posting. I do have a list of problems to attack once it warms up a little more. I did order a new Shurflo faucet a few days ago. It was dripping a couple of years ago and I fixed an o-ring in it and now the on off switch died so I decided it was time to replace it. Unfortunately most of the rest of the problems are wiring. Last time I found some wires chewed off and that may be the problem again. I have been fighting a mouse problem for a couple of years. I thought I found the hole they were getting in but they must have found another. I tried a mouse repellent but that doesn't seem to work. I keep a partial roll of toilet paper in one of the cabinets as an indicator if they are back since they seem to like to shred TP. I keep a couple of sticky traps in the same cabinet.
As far as FaceBook is concerned I don't like it either, but use my wife's account to read few things including a B forum. I usually find about one topic a week worth reading out of all that get posted. I just don't like the philosophy of FB, trying to have their gated community and harvesting all kinds of personal info.