Forum Discussion

CSG's avatar
Jun 17, 2018

Who's towing a small travel trailer with their Sprinter van?

My wife and I are looking ahead to just the two of us traveling now that our kids are pretty much grown. You can see what we currently have. I hated towing because it was so difficult to get to places I liked to go (back country). I bought the Pleasure Way Traverse so I could have a small rig I could drive most places but it's really only suitable for me at this stage. My wife snores loudly and we can't sleep together anymore. Besides she'd rather go to an RV park or nice campground, and unhook the rig. Personally, I hate campgrounds and parks but I can do them for a week if we were staying on, say, the Oregon coast.

I'm likely to give my Traverse to my younger son next year as he wants to take a year off between high school and starting college and the van would be a perfect travel vehicle for him.

So that leads me to my idea of getting a fully self contained, short wheelbase Sprinter van (likely another Pleasure Way), and small (18' range) travel trailer. I'd have the van for the stuff I like to do that my wife doesn't and we'd have a small trailer to do the stuff she likes. The added benefit is that I could sleep in the van at night and she could have the trailer. Snoring problem solved.

Have any of you done something like this? Seems like a good compromise over towing a larger fiver or buying something like a Winnebago 22R or Lazy Daze 24 Twin King.
  • Yes but we can't take something like the small class C's where I want to travel so they are not really a solution for us. The van would be mostly for me and solo travel and a small trailer would be for when we both go somewhere. Even better than a C, she'd sleep in the trailer and at the end of the evening, I'd sleep in the van. There's not really much distance in the Winnebago but the LD has a bit more distance and a bedroom door IIRC. Still, I'm more interested in how these short wheelbase Sprinters tow.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    The Winnie 22R will give two separate beds (one over the cab) that are distant from each other, as opposed to having them side by side.

    You'll pay less than a Sprinter-based moho and will have a wider living area. Good luck!
  • I tow a 26 ft Surveyor behind my Sprinter. I have for 10 years now ... :)
  • I would like to be your son! :)

    I know of a couple who were towing a 15' Parkliner (molded fiberglass) TT with a Sprinter. They had a bed in the back of the Sprinter, with a Froli spring base and memory foam. They liked it for a couple years, then bought something else... I forget what.