Admin wrote:
Well, I don't always get it right. If you give me some time to make up an excuse I'll post it :E. Anyways it's fixed now. Admin
Thanks, Bro!
For OP: I visited Hendersons' Line Up specifically to meet John and talk about issues like this. Before meeting John I talked with their parts manager. It became apparent that Hendersons' promotes/installs specific parts from various manufacturers, that they consider best. For example:
They sell SuperSteer, of course,
And Roadmaster components (but Davis Track Bars since SS doesn't do front)
But for Steering Stabilizers, they go to Safe-T-Plus, breaking ranks with Roadmaster who offers RSS. John told me he's found adding an S-T-P is "like setting Caster to 5 degrees."
S-T-P categorizes their stabilizers by the spring pressure they produce, and they differentiate them by color. For a Class C, it'd be the Silver "140" series, meaning it uses 140 pounds of spring pressure to force the steering back to center.
Roadmaster offers RSS in RSS-C and RSS-A but I don't know what the pressures are.
Both involve removing the OEM Damper (horizontal shock abosorber with no Centering Force), and its brackets. Then you install a new set of brackets that adapt the S-T-P or RSS to your Make/Model/Year.
Then there's an Adjustment Process to make the device force steering to the "Center" you need for most of your driving. There are YouTube's showing how to do that.
I was ready to make a suggestion, but first, you say you've adjusted tire pressures according to axle weights. So let me ask:
1. Did you weigh it loaded as for travel, with People, Supplies and Stuff?
2, What were your Axle Weights?
3. What Tire Pressures are you using?
4. Are you towing a vehicle?
5. What vehicle?
6. Does the RV handle differently with and without that vehicle?
7. How?