Naio wrote:
I cook and freeze stuff. 2 weeks of food in the freezer is normal for me when camping. I agree with the person who said it makes more time for fun!
Yup. I cook up chili, stews, noodle/rice pork/beef dinners, homemade soup, etc at home and freeze them in small containers.
Keeps me out of the dreaded fast food restaurants while traveling to my destination too. Stop at a rest area and just pop one in the micro for a healthier food experience!
Even after I went Full Time RV'ing I STILL used this method for healthier food. I would pick one day during the month, hunker down in a CG I liked and spend the day cooking up the same and freezing them in containers.
I bought a nice Coleman stove that could accommodate 2 big pots and start cooking. Only thing is the aroma of a good homemade chicken soup at a CG? Starts your fellow campers circling you RV wanting to know whats for supper and when! :B