5thwheeleroldman wrote:
Guess if I bought an 8 cup french press, I could make 4 cups with it, couldn't I? Just for myself, I usually make 4 cups.
No kidding, would letting the grounds steep for 5 minutes in near boiling water, then straining do the same as a french press?
JavaPress makes a 30 or 32 oz French press with a neosprene sleeve to keep the coffee warm. Nice system but I'm too lazy in the morning to make it and the man can't figure it out (he also doesn't know how to send an email so it all makes prefect sense to me:B). When we tent camp it's a silent drive or walk in the morning to Mickey D's or Dunkin Donuts. I have them pour his coffee in to a big thermos and a smaller thermos gets hot water and a coupla teabags on the side for me. When we RV I can use the stove to make whatever hot beverage gets everyone's jaws moving again.
Go over to Serious Eats' website to read about the different ways of making coffee and what it means towards an optimum cup of joe. Pretty sure cowboy coffee is discussed as well.