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3_dog_nights's avatar
Feb 04, 2016

Cleaning my grill - Help!

The other night I fired up the grill and did a Honey glazed BBQ pork loin. Why yes, it was delicious thank you. I left the lid open while we ate so as to speed up the cooling. After dinner, and the news, I got around to going out and closing it and covering it back up. I flip on the deck lights and there in the middle of the grill sits an opossum. I know, I know everyone thinks they a cute and want to run up and pet it. NO they are one of the ugliest, meanest critters you will ever run into. After asking him politely to leave and waiting, while he decided I was making to much of a fuss, he finally waddled off into the woods. Now the problem, my wife saw him. When I came back in she said sell it, donate, stick out for scrap, but she was not eating anything that touched that grill ever, ever again!
How do I clean it? I told her that running all of the burners on high would take it up 700+ degrees and that the Grill Daddy would finish the job with the steam created, but she's still skeptical. Help! I need ideas, the grill's only two years old (Weber Genesis) I don't want to buy another one.
  • icanon wrote:
    Put a heavy piece of aluminum foil to cover the grill crate completely and place some rocks on top of the foil to prevent the foil from floating then turn on the BBQ to high temp and close the lid. Wait 3-5 mins should be lots of smoke and check grill should be a grey powdery film on it, if not continue for a few minutes more. When done turn off BBQ roll up the foil into a ball and scrub the grill using the foil, voila a nice clean grill. It's like using a self clean oven same principle.

    X2 and if your bride is still squeemish soak it down with Muriatic acid, a throw away paintbrush (not foam), works well. It will bubble and hiss a bit and take the grill right down to the bare metal. A thorough rinse and you are good to go.

  • I would soak it in a tub with water and dish soap over night. Scrub it good in the morning and then wash again with soap and hot water. Rinse and then put it back on the BBQ with heat to dry it.

    Alternative soak would be a bleach solution.

    By the way opossums are made out of meat....unless you grill Tofu, I'm guessing the grill has been touched by meat before...LOL
  • How do I clean it? I told her that running all of the burners on high would take it up 700+ degrees and that the Grill Daddy would finish the job with the steam created, but she's still skeptical. Help! I need ideas, the grill's only two years old (Weber Genesis) I don't want to buy another one.

    Don't know how high a temp you can get a closed BBQ to achieve.

    But I would research at 'what temperature' needs to be 'achieved' to effectively kill these diseases:

    Opossums carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease.


    They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. Opossums are hosts for cat and dog fleas, especially in urban environments. This flea infestation on opossums is particularly concerning for transmission of flea-borne typhus, which is increasing in prevalence in Orange and Los Angeles Counties.

    If DW reads this forum you might have a new BBQ in your future, sorry! :B
  • Put a heavy piece of aluminum foil to cover the grill crate completely and place some rocks on top of the foil to prevent the foil from floating then turn on the BBQ to high temp and close the lid. Wait 3-5 mins should be lots of smoke and check grill should be a grey powdery film on it, if not continue for a few minutes more. When done turn off BBQ roll up the foil into a ball and scrub the grill using the foil, voila a nice clean grill. It's like using a self clean oven same principle.