Forum Discussion

Explorer II
Jun 22, 2014

Corona Cocktails

A friend sent me this from a long ago closed post. I thought I might share.

Being that it now officially summer.

Corona Cocktails, which Mrs. Geo may have invented (I'll have to ask her), are a delightful summer beverage. You'll need ICE cold Corona beer, limes, margarita salt, Frank's Red Hot, and cold boiled shrimp large enough to fit snugly in a Corona bottle opening.

Boil and chill the shrimp to prefection. Peel them but leave the tail on. Open a bottle of Corona and squeeze a slice of lime into it getting the lime slice into the bottle, and getting plenty of lime juice on the opening. Put the margarita salt liberally on the opening of the bottle. Douse a shrimp with the Frank's Red Hot, then push it into the bottle opening tail up and out. Yes, the Frank's Red Hot gets in the bottle. Serve. Plan to have plenty on hand because they always go fast and you'll run out. You've gotta try it to believe it. Damn near better than pu.. Nah..

I'm telling you these things are addictive. They seem to make you drink. People who like beer and like shrimp can't seem to suck 'em down fast enough. The combination of flavors is perfect. They also look neat and appealing. So, if you serve them to guests, lay in way more than you think necessary. The down side is that folks suck them down faster than they'd normlly drink and are subject to sudden drunkenness - especially in a relaxed cookout/party environment. Jeanie serves them as whores ovaries (hors d'ouvres) like an appetizer before the real food is served - gives them a chance to straighten out before driving home. We've actually had requests to serve these at outdoor get-togethers from people we've made them for on prior occasions. Don't say I didn't warn you..

  • That sounds delicious but still put them in the bottle, you need the hot sauce to trickle down that ice cold beer. Great effect and good way to serve them. I can taste one now. YUM
  • Leo Benson wrote:
    PS, shove the beers down into a container full of crushed ice, and toss lots of extra shrimp in sauce all over the crushed ice.

    Ahhhhhhhhhh! That sounds easier than trying to put shrimp in the bottle or get em out, LOL.
  • PS, shove the beers down into a container full of crushed ice, and toss lots of extra shrimp in sauce all over the crushed ice.
  • I try and bring this up once a summer, I've been making them since the OP posted it, always a big hit.
  • Thank you, I have been looking for this very simple recipe(wasn't sure I had it right) before because I knew I had seen it on here. I will save it this time.
    I will probably use a Mexican beer, cause I'm in Mexico.
  • That sounds great, and I will try this soon. Several of my favorite foods. And your description of serving manner made me lol! :B
  • I might have to go with the Mickey's beer. My shrimp are way to big to go in a Corona bottle LOL
  • Works well with Coors Non-Alcholic beer as well, without all the aforementioned associated problems.
  • I bet you have great parties and I will try it sometime. Thanks