Forum Discussion

Cuffs054's avatar
May 19, 2014

decent cick breast recipie

Boneless, skinless breasts. Cut pocket in them. Mix half cup feta, half cup mayo, and well sqeezed box of frozen spinich. Stuff breasts, wrap in bacon. Bake covered one hour at 375. I went heavy on feta and next time will pull cover off at 45 min to brown bacon.
  • If you have a press style ricer it will do a great job of getting the moisture out of frozen spinach.
  • an alternative to the bacon is to press whole wheat panko on top and add a dusting of parm. Dusting first with some Penzey's Greek Seasoning will add another layer of flavor.
  • Did the same thing with feta, mozzarella, and diced marinated artichoke hearts, then wrapped chicken in bacon. 350 for an hour.... Tasty!
  • Nice recipe and I wonder if the mayo could be deleted successfully to reduce the fat content for those on more restrictive diets.